Petition against Proposed Tax on Gambling in the Czech Republic
The proposed Recovery Package by the Czech Government is drawing criticism from the Association of Poker Players and Betting Punters due to the inclusion of a tax measure on gambling winnings over 50,000 CZK, a significant decrease from the current threshold of 1,000,000 CZK. In response, a petition has been launched to challenge this proposal. The Association argues that this tax measure could potentially harm both players and the state. They contend that such a change may drive players to unregulated gambling environments, leading to loss of tax revenue for the state. In practical terms, players may end up paying taxes even when their overall gambling activity results in a loss due to the proposed categorization of different types of games. The Association further suggests that the proposal is impractical, requiring players to maintain up to six different tax records.
You can find more information here (only in Czech): https://www.asociaceher.cz/rubriky/legislativa-a-hazard/vladni-navrh-zdaneni-vyher-nad-50-000-kc-poskodi-hrace-i-stat_147.html
And you can sign the petition here: https://www.asociaceher.cz/rubriky/legislativa-a-hazard/petice-proti-zdaneni-vyher-hracu-nad-50-000-kc_146.html